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9 Job Positions
The National Child Development Agency (NCDA) | Post type: Jobs March 29, 2024 - Deadline 05/04/2024 | NumberOfPosition [9]
The National Child Development Agency (NCDA) Overview

The National Child Development Agency (NCDA) is a newly established Government institution. Established by the Presidential Order N° 083/01 of 28/08/2020, NCDA is a merger of the former National Commission for Children (NCC) and the National Early Childhood Development Program (NECDP). Its main office is in Kigali

ECD Service Quality Assurance Specialist

Job responsibilities

  • •Lead the development and dissemination of ECD standards
  • •Organize joint quarterly and annual planning, monitoring, and evaluation with Districts, and ECD implementers with regard to quality standards;
  • •Jointly analyze the ECD quality service delivery bottlenecks and set strategies to overcome them.
  • •Prepare and coordinate the execution of quality audit activities
  • •Participate in the preparation of studies, reports, documentation, and guidelines on quality child development service delivery.
  • •Prepare advocacy/briefing papers, and presentations, related to the area
  • •Identify study and research needs in the area and share them with relevant officials •Develop concept notes and TORs for the planned studies
  • •Follow up on survey study and district reports


Minimum qualifications

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Educational Sciences
  • 5 Years of relevant experience
  • Master’s Degree in Education Sciences
  • 3 Years of relevant experience
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Development Studies
  • 5 Years of relevant experience
  • Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Development
  • 3 Years of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

  • Integrity
  • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
  • Inclusiveness
  • Accountability
  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Client/citizen focus
  • Professionalism


Peer to Peer Model Specialist


Job responsibilities

  • -Coordinate the review evidence of local, regional, and global models of peer support activities that positively impact and promote Maternal, Adolescent, Infant, and Young Child Nutrition (MAIYCN) practices and map ongoing peer support for MAIYCN activities in Rwanda.
  •  -Lead and coordinate the testing and rolling out of peer-to-peer support activities at the community level through:
  • -Ensure the documentation of the process of establishing peer support activities and the impact of these activities on MAIYCN practices, through: -Lead the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Activities:
  • -Conduct baseline and end-line surveys to assess the effects on key nutrition indicators in children and Adolescents, specifically minimum dietary diversity, minimum meal frequency, minimum acceptable diet, and consumption of MNP in children 6-23 months.
  • -Create an analysis plan and appropriate dashboards for monitoring data -Project management and technical supervision.


Minimum qualifications

  • 1Master’s Degree in Social Work
  • 2 Years of relevant experience
  • 2Bachelor’s Degree in Public Health
  • 3 Years of relevant experience
  • Master’s Degree in Public Health
  • 2 Years of relevant experience


Required competencies and key technical skills

  • Integrity
  • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
  • Inclusiveness
  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Client/citizen focus
  • Professionalism
  • Commitment to continuous learning
  • Verbal and written communication skills




Community Mobilization

Job responsibilities

  • •Develop the plan for community mobilization and training activities around ECD interventions,
  • •Spearhead coordination and monitoring preparation and implementation of social behavior change activities including materials review, development, production, and utilization;
  • •Analyze problems that hamper the implementation community mobilization and suggest appropriate measures to ensure their timely implementation;
  • •Maintain relationships with pilot communities in the SPRP target districts and ensure timely information sharing on community mobilization and training events;
  • •Evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the community mobilization actions, community training plan, and its relevance to the needs of the target communities
  • •Report monthly to the Program Manager on the timely implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of all community actions and community training activities;
  • •Attend meetings on ECD-related implementation, stakeholders’ meetings, and community meetings;
  • •Conduct regular community meetings in the project-targeted communities with local authorities, parents’ committees, and/or other stakeholders;


Minimum qualifications

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism
  • 5 Years of relevant experience
  • Master’s Degree in Journalism
  • 3 Years of relevant experience
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work
  • 5 Years of relevant experience
  • Master’s Degree in Social Work
  • 3 Years of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

  • Integrity
  • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
  • Accountability
  • Communication
  • Teamwork




Procurement Officer 

Job responsibilities

  • Collect information on tenders to be issued in a given Financial year Participate in the planning and budgeting process of the Institution
  • -Prepare the procurement plan ;
  • -Submit the procurement plan to the management for approval ;
  • -Submit the procurement plan to RPPA and make sure is published on the institution’s website.
  • -Follow up on the timely preparation of technical specifications/Tor’s ;
  • -Prepare of tender documents ;
  • -Produce tender notices ;


Minimum qualifications

  • Purchasing and Supply Chain Management.
  • 0 Year of relevant experience
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Procurement
  • 0 Year of relevant experience
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Management with Certified International Procurement Professional (CIPP)
  • 0 Year of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

  • Resource management skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Problem solving skills
  • Decision making skills
  • Time management skills
  • Risk management skills
  • Results oriented
  • Digital literacy skills


ional Child Development Agency ( NCD) Deadline: 5 April, 2024

Job responsibilities


  • •Provide overall policy and technical direction for the management of social risks and impacts under the Project (as defined by the Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP), Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF), Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP), the Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) and other such instruments prepared under the Project).
  • •Ensure social risk and impact analysis is carried out for each project and project activity as soon as the conceptual technical design and scope have been defined for physical interventions; closely coordinate with the SPIU/NCDA for review and endorsement of the screening decisions and recommendations.
  • •Ensure timely preparation of social assessments, and social impact management plans; co-ordinate with SPIU/NCDA for hiring technical assistance, where necessary, and for review and endorsement of social due diligence and management instruments.
  •  •Prepare terms of references to undertake ESIAs, where required; and review draft and final ESIAs for quality and obtain necessary clearances.
  • •Ensure compliance with ESMPs and SEP during the project implementation period and maintain close coordination with the relevant stakeholders, including government authorities, administrators of healthcare facilities, contractors, etc.


Minimum qualifications

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology
  • 3 Years of relevant experience
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Development Studies
  • 3 Years of relevant experience
  • Master’s Degree in Development Studies
  • 2 Years of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

  • Inclusiveness
  • Accountability
  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Client/citizen focus
  • Professionalism




ECD & Nutrition Program Manager 

Job responsibilities


  • üUsing the action plan developed as part of project launch work, the coordinator will lead an annual planning exercise that will involve consultations with participating districts, and other key beneficiaries of the project to develop a consolidated annual work plan, budget, and cash flow forecast.
  • üThe work plan and budget will be prepared annually and submitted to the World Bank for approval.
  • üThe annual work plan and budget would serve as a basis for updating the MTEF for the project.
  • üThe Program Manager would take leadership in this process, which would include arranging consultations with technical stakeholders under the leadership of NCDA and presenting the draft documents for consideration and/or adoption by the NCDA management, Project Steering Committee (PSC), before submission to the World Bank.
  • üThe Program Manager will work in close collaboration with relevant technical units within NCDA and his counterpart at RBC (Rwanda Bio-medical Centre) and participating districts to provide implementation support and guidance on project-related activities. üTo this end, the Program Manager will review project submissions, consolidate inputs, and provide advice as needed
  • üThe Program Manager will ensure the monitoring and implementation of activities and prepare regular reports on the status of implementation of project activities, identifying problems and proposing remedial actions
  • üThe status reports would cover both reporting on technical and financial/administrative issues, as well as reporting on the project’s Results Framework. üConduct regular technical meetings and field visits.
  • üTo organize quarterly meetings with project implementers to review progress, budget utilization, and results attained


Minimum qualifications

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Project Management
  • 10 Years of relevant experience
  • Master’s Degree in Project Management
  • 5 Years of relevant experience
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Public Health
  • 10 Years of relevant experience
  • Master’s Degree in Public Health
  • 5 Years of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

  • Integrity
  • Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
  • Inclusiveness
  • 4Accountability
  • Communication
  • Teamwork




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