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3 Job Positions Positions
BAHO INTERNATIONAL HOSPITAL (BIH) Ltd | Post type: Jobs May 19, 2024 - Deadline 15/06/2024 | NumberOfPosition [3]

BAHO INTERNATIONAL HOSPITAL (BIH) Ltd is a private hospital that was established in 2015 and provides care to national, regional and international patients. Innovative and exemplary, with modern medical equipment, it stands out as a medical hospital implementation and knowledge transfer activities

3 Job Positions Positions at Baho International Hospital (BIH): (Deadline 15 June 2024)


Baho International Hospital (BIH) would like to recruit on the following positions:

1) Nurses& Midwives, Dentals, Physiotherapy technicians with 5 years of experiences.

2)IT&Design technician with knowledges in camera, Adverts communication and social media skills.

3) Accountant, Administrative Assistant,Communication Officer, Receptionnist, Medical delegate (  with 2 years of Experiences as pharmaceutical delegate or in marketing).

Interested candidates should send the following documents: Application letter, CV,degree or diploma and valid Professional License for medical skills to: ; each candidate must highlighting the required position.

on the email title.

The deadline for application is 15th  June 2024.

Done at Kigali, 16th May 2024

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