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DUHAMIC-ADRI | Post type: Jobs August 9, 2024 - Deadline 16/08/2024 | NumberOfPosition [1]

CARE Austria, together with CARE International in Rwanda (CARE Rwanda), in partnership with DUHARANIRE AMAJYAMBERE Y’ICYARO (DUHAMIC-ADRI) are implementing KUNGAHARA: Resilient Systems for Food and Nutrition, running between 1st January 2024 and 31st December 2026, funded by the European Union and co-funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation. In line with the EU’s global objective of the KUNGAHARA Call for proposals, the overall objective of the project is to strengthen resilient food systems and nutrition security in Rwanda. To tackle the different factors hindering food availability and nutrition, the project will enact locally-led and owned change at every stage of the food system – production, aggregation, processing, distribution and consumption – through two complementary supply and demand outcomes


TENDER TITLE: Procurement of Motorcycles


The deadline for submission of bids: Thursday , August 16 ,2024

Bid Submission Time: 10:00AM

Bid Opening Time: 10:30AM

Place: DUHAMIC-ADRI Headquarters (Kicukiro, Niboye)


CARE Austria, together with CARE International in Rwanda (CARE Rwanda), in partnership with DUHARANIRE AMAJYAMBERE Y’ICYARO (DUHAMIC-ADRI) are implementing KUNGAHARA: Resilient Systems for Food and Nutrition, running between 1st January 2024 and 31st December 2026, funded by the European Union and co-funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation. In line with the EU’s global objective of the KUNGAHARA Call for proposals, the overall objective of the project is to strengthen resilient food systems and nutrition security in Rwanda. To tackle the different factors hindering food availability and nutrition, the project will enact locally-led and owned change at every stage of the food system – production, aggregation, processing, distribution and consumption – through two complementary supply and demand outcomes:

Outcome 1: Equitable, sustainable, inclusive, productive and nutrition sensitive agricultural value chains in Gicumbi, Rulindo and Gakenke districts are strengthened; and

Outcome 2: The consumption of diverse and nutrient rich foods by vulnerable households, in particular women and children, in Gicumbi, Rulindo and Gakenke district is increased.

The project is targeting 31,000 small holder farmers and will use a holistic set of interventions to enhance food systems in a sustainable manner, equipping women and youth farmers ‘groups and cooperatives within the selected environment and nutrition-sensitive value chains with the skills, connections, and support to improve production and access to markets, and as a result, nutritious food availability and increase its consumption.

Context and needs of justification

KUNGAHARA is a project to be implemented within three districts by two field staff who will need to travel frequently across the district for the implementation of field activities. To be able to cover all these areas of intervention, there is a need of motorcycles for field staff so as to ensure a well implementation of field activities at district level.

In the same context, DUHAMIC ADRI would like to procure 2 appropriate motorcycles for rural and highland areas and their accessories (4 good quality helmets, 2 rain coats, 2 wind coats and 2 pairs of gloves) to be used while implementing KUNGAHARA field activities.

Technical specifications for motorcycles to be procured


Technical specifications


  • Appropriate motorcycle suitable for rural and highland areas
  •  Engine type: high quality machine oil, 4-stroke, 250CC
  • Loading capacity: ≥130 kg including the driver
  • Front wheel: 3.00-21
  • Rear wheel: 4.10-18
  • Spark plug: 0.6-0.7mm

Service fee for fixing the plate number

To be specified by the bidders


Two pairs of high-quality, full-face Helmet

Rain coat, wind coat and gloves

1 pair of high-quality rain coat, 1 pair of wind coat and 2 pairs of gloves

Warrantee period

1 year

Notice: Prior to delivery, all supplies, including motorcycles and their accessories, will be inspected by DUHAMIC-ADRI to ensure they meet the specified technical requirements. The bidder must present the requested products for quality validation.

The quotations will be presented following the table below:




Unit price


Total price






Helmet Full face (2 pairs)



Service fee for fixing the plate number (2)



Rain coat (1 pairs)



Wind coat (1 pairs)



Gloves (2 pairs)



Eligibility criteria

Eligible bidders should fulfil the following requirements:

  • Copy of trading certificate
  • A valid Tax clearance certificate
  • Proof of having electronic billing machine (EBM)
  • 2 certificates of good completion for supplying motorcycles
  • A commitment letter to deliver in a period not exceeding 7 working days after receiving the purchase order /contract (delivery place is DUHAMIC-ADRI headquarters)

Bids will be submitted in a sealed envelope and addressed to the Executive Secretary of DUHAMIC-ADRI at Kicukiro head office no later than Thursday, August 16, 2024 at 10:00AM

The public opening of bids is scheduled on the same day at 10:30AM at DUHAMIC-ADRI headquarters

For further information, please contact the procurement unit at

Done at Kigali, August 8, 2024


Executive Secretary

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