Mission of the Ministry of Public Service and Labour is to provide public institutions with efficient organization and human resources.
Key Responsibilities:
Labour inspector is responsible of ensuring decent and productive jobs through ensuring labour governance, compliance inspections, labour disputes prevention and mediation, occupational safety and health and prevention of child labour.
Ensuring decent and productivity-based compliance inspections Tasks/Responsibilities
Ensuring the development of informed annual compliance plans
Conducting compliance-based instead of traditional inspection inspections
Building competent labour inspection personnel
Enhancing digitalization of labour inspection systems
Influencing the review National procurement Laws and Regulations to make Decent Work a bidding requirement
Ensuring the establishment of partnership agreements with various Stakeholders
Ensuring mainstreaming Decent Work into annual action plans by various Stakeholders
Ensuring the development of reporting templates for Decent Work mainstreaming
Conducting trainings on Decent Work mainstreaming among Stakeholders
Establishing Decent Work mainstreaming steering committee
Monitoring the implementation of Decent Work requirement among successful bidders
Enhancing the role of labour inspections with priority to Decent Work indicators such as: Notification and payment of employees’ contributions to RSSB, payment of employees’ salaries through banks and other financial institutions, issuance of employment contracts to employees, etc.
Conducting awareness campaigns among employers through media, meetings and forums on formalization of informal workers
Enhancing the involvement and partnership with various Government Institutions, Employers and Trade Unions in the journey to formalization
Incentivizing formalization with various opportunities
Ensuring workplace safety and health for conducive working environment, decent work and productivity Tasks/Responsibilities
Communicating the benefits of workplace Safety and Health to enterprises through media columns, trainings, brochures, meetings, forums and other means of communication;
Providing practical guidance and tools to support a systematic, effective and efficient management of Safety and Health;
Developing and promote practical tools to help workplaces identify and quantify business benefits;
Conducting research studies on workplace safety and health in the business and national development
Reinforcing enterprises to conduct prior Risk Assessment to prevent workplace hazards;
Promoting a systematic and effective management of Safety and Health through sector/industry accreditation/certification programmes and industry training programmes;
Recognizing excellence in Safety and Health management through awards and other schemes
Enhancing the effectiveness of OSH committees.
Ensuring elimination and prevention of child labour Tasks/Responsibilities
Enhancing child labour prevention mainstreaming into decentralized entities Imihigo
Enhancing community involvement in child labour prevention through awareness campaigns
Enhancing the role of child labour prevention committees especially at Village level
Enhancing the role of community opinion leaders in prevention of child labour
Enhancing seamless coordination of stakeholders’ efforts on child labour.
Enhancing labour governance and social dialogue Tasks/Responsibilities
Promoting workplace cooperation for better labour relations and productivity
Promoting collective bargaining for more enhanced working conditions
Conducting awareness campaigns among employers and employees on the importance of social dialogue practices at establishment level in conducive employment relations and productivity
Supporting enterprises on establishment of social dialogue practices
Enhancing the role of compliance forums in promoting social dialogue at establishment level
Conducting awareness campaigns on the role of collective bargaining in DW attainment
Facilitating Social Partners on collective bargaining practices
Conducting trainings to build effective workers representatives
Conducting awareness campaigns among employers to embrace the role of workers representatives.
Bachelor's Degree in Law
0 Year of relevant experience
Bachelor's Degree in Industrial & Labour Relations
0 Year of relevant experience
Bachelor's Degree in Labour Administration
0 Year of relevant experience
Bachelor’s Degree Industrial & Labour Relations with a recognized diploma in labour law
0 Year of relevant experience
Required competencies and key technical skills
Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills
Client/citizen focus
Commitment to continuous learning
Resource management skills
Analytical skills
Problem solving skills
Decision making skills
Time management skills
Risk management skills
Results oriented
Digital literacy skills
Fluency in Kinyaranda English and or French knowledge of Swahili is an added advantage
Knowledge and understanding of labour policies and law;
Understanding of proper inspection techniques
Conflict resolution skills
A transition period for professional certification requirement is three (3) years starting from 01st January, 2021. However, a new entrant without the required professional certification for a given job position shall not be eligible, one (1) year before the expiration of the transition period.