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German Sparkassenstiftung Eastern Africa (DSIK) | Post type: Jobs April 2, 2024 - Deadline 11/04/2024 | NumberOfPosition [1]
German Sparkassenstiftung Eastern Africa (DSIK) Overview

German Sparkassenstiftung Eastern Africa (DSIK) provides proactive support to financial institutions that sustainably foster economic and social development.




Savings Banks Foundation for International Cooperation (SBFIC) has changed its name in 2021 and became "German Sparkassenstiftung Eastern Africa (DSIK)". The abbreviation "DSIK" derives from the German name (Deutsche Sparkassenstiftung fiir internationale Kooperation). It has had a permanent office in Rwanda since 2009. It is legally registered as an international NGO in Rwanda. DSIK implements projects for the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), namely until end June 2023, Regional Project I mainly focused on Vocational and Commercial Education for the Microfinance Sector in Eastern Africa and the Regional Project 2 mainly focused on Rural Development in Eastern Africa through Institution Strengthening of the Microfinance Sector, However, per 1st July 2023 both projects were merged to one regional project under the name “Sustainable transformation of the Financial Sector in Eastern Africa through Institution Strengthening of the Microfinance Sector and Socio-ecological Transformation of the Economy with a focus on Rural Development”. Additionally, since July 2023, DSIK is implementing 2 projects for the Belgian Development Agency Enabel, namely “Develop and Deliver Business Development Support Services for existing Mirco and Small Enterprises” and “Develop and Deliver Business Development Support Services for youth and women Start-Ups.”

DSIK is in close exchange with the other member of the regional project in activities in more than 40 countries worldwide, but particularly with Burundi, Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya.

Main project partners in Rwanda are the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MINICOM) and the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MINECOFIN), as well as the Rwanda Institute of Cooperatives, Entrepreneurship, and Microfinance (RICEM). Stakeholders in project implementation are the Kigali Independent University (ULK), the National Cooperatives Confederation of Rwanda (NCCR) and the Rwanda Cooperative Agency (RCA). 

DSIK is inviting eligible bidders to submit bids for the provision of IT Materials.


Please find detailed ToR on the attachment of this advertisement.

The interested bidders should submit their expression of interest together with the following documents:

  • A copy of RDB certificate proving that the company/firm is eligible in the specific field of business.
  • Original or a copy of the tax clearance certificate from RRA
  • VAT certificate
  • Proof of manufacturer representation (e.g authorized reseller certificate, etc.)
  • 2 Manufacturer Authorization (MAF) documents with a proof of their warranty.
  • 3 Completion certificates for similar rendered services from maximum three past years (not before 2021) mentioning the full contact addresses of the clients.

 Eligible Companies and applications must meet the following minimum criteria.

  • General experience in the respective field of business of at least three years (to be justified by RDB certificate of incorporation)
  • Specific recent experience in the interested domain (to be justified by certificates of completion not older than 3 years)
  • Being in order with Rwanda Revenue Authority in terms of taxes payment (to be justified by the tax clearance certificate)
  • Registered in VAT (to be justified by the VAT certificate). 

How to apply 

Bidding companies meeting the above criteria are requested to submit their proposals (prices) on address e-mail: , not later than April 11th, 2024, at 2.00pm. Please note that hard-copy documents will not be accepted.

The evaluation results will be communicated through the respective e-mails or telephone number given on the bidder´s application documents.

For further information, please contact Olivier Gatete, via Tel: 0788359482, E-mail: .

Where necessary DSIK shall visit the bidder to prove the physical existence and reliability of the company. 

Done at Kigali, on 26th March 2024 

Jeanne d’Arc Umurerwa

Deputy Country Director

German Sparkassenstiftung (DSIK)



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